西文图书1.Computers in engineering : Perth, September 6-7, 1976 : preprints of papers / TB21-53/ICE/(1976)
可借复本:0 the College of Electrical Engineers of Institution of Engineers, Australia.
Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1976.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书2.Computers in engineering, 1983. Volume two, Robotics theory and applications ; Computers in educatio TB21-53/ICE/V.2
可借复本:2 sponsored by the Computer Engineering Division, ASME ; editor, C.F. Ruoff, T.E. Shoup.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1983.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书3.Computers in engineering, 1983. Volume one, Computer-aided design, manufacturing, and simulation / TB21-53/ICE/V.1
可借复本:2 sponsored by the Computer Engineering Division, ASME ; editor, T.J. Cokonis.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1983.
(0) 馆藏
西文图书4.Computers in engineering, 1983. Volume three, Computer software and applications / TB21-53/ICE/V.3
可借复本:2 sponsored by the Computer Engineering Division, ASME ; editor, D.E. Dietrich.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1983.
(0) 馆藏