西文图书1.Electrical engineers' handbook / 4th ed. TN-62/PH/(4)
可借复本:0 Prepared by a staff of specialists under the editorship of Harold Pender, William A. Del Mar and...
Wiley ; 1936.
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西文图书2.Electrical engineers' handbook. Volume I, Electric power / 4th ed. TM-62/AHE/(4)/V.1
可借复本:2 prepared by a staff of specialists; Harold Pender and William A. Del Mar, editors.
Wiley, c1949.
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西文图书3.Electrical engineers' handbook. [Volume II], Electric communication and electronics. / 4th ed. TM-62/AHE/(4)/V.2
可借复本:1 prepared by a staff of specialists Harold Pender and Knox McIlwain, editors.
Wiley ; 1950.
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