西文图书1.College physics essentials. Volume two, Electricity and magnetism, optics, modern physics / Eight...
可借复本:0 Jerry D. Wilson, Anthony J. Buffa, Bo Lou.
CRC Press, 2019.
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西文图书2.Electricity and magnetism / 3rd ed. O441/BBI/(3)
可借复本:2 B. I. Bleaney and B. Bleaney.
Oxford University Press, c1976.
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西文图书3.Electricity and magnetism = 电磁学 / 2nd ed. O441/PEM-2/(2)
可借复本:2 Edward M. Purcell.
机械工业出版社, c2014.
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西文图书4.A degree physics. Pt. 5, Electricity and magnetism / 2nd ed. O4-4/SCJ/(2)
可借复本:1 C.J. Smith.
E. Arnold, 1959.
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中文图书5.Electricity and magnetism : theory and applications. / 3rd ed. 537/G371
可借复本:1 Norman E. Gilbert.
Macmillan, 1950.
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西文图书6.Electricity and magnetism / O441/PER
可借复本:1 Edson Ruther Peck.
McGraw-Hill, 1953.
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西文图书7.Electricity and magnetism for degree students / 8th ed. O441/SSG/(8)
可借复本:1 by S. G. Starling; revised, in collaboration with the author by A.J.Woodall.
Longmans, Green, 1953.
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中文图书8.A degree physics. Pt. 5, Electricity and magnetism / 3rd ed. 537/S644
可借复本:1 C.J. Smith.
E. Arnold, 1959.
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西文图书9.Physics for students of science & engineering : Mechanics and sound / 8th rev. ed. O4/DAW/(8)
可借复本:2 by A. Wilmer Duff. Wave motion and light by Percival Lewis, rev. by F. A. Jenkins. Heat by Charles E
Blakiston, c1937.
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西文图书10.Electricity and magnetism = 电与磁 / G634/PHS/V.13
可借复本:4 [program authors, Michael J. Padilla, Ioannis Miaoulis, Martha Cyr ; book author, Camille L. Wainwri
浙江教育出版社, 2008.
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中文图书11.Principles of physics / 2nd ed. 530/SE17
可借复本:6 by Francis Weston Sears.
Addison-Wesley Press, 1944-45.
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西文图书12.A text book of physics / O4/GE
可借复本:6 by E. Grimsehl ; edited by R. Tomaschek authorized translation from the seventh German edition by L.
Blackie & Son Limited, 1932-35.
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中文图书13.电磁学 O441/6
可借复本:3 (美)E.M.珀塞尔著
科学出版社 1979
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