西文图书1.Practicing to take the GRE psychology test : an official full-length edition of the GRE psychology t H310.41/PTG-6
可借复本:1 Educational Testing Service.
Education Testin Service for the GRE Board, c1983.
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西文图书2.Practicing to take the GRE literature in English test : H310.41/PTG-5
可借复本:1 an official full-length edition of the GRE literature in English test administered in April 1983.
published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1983.
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西文图书3.Practicing to take the GRE education test : an offical full-length edition of the GRE education test H310.41/PTG-3
可借复本:1 Educational Testing Service.
published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1983.
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西文图书4.Practicing to take the GRE chemistry test : an offical full-length edition of the GRE chemistry test H310.41/PTG-2
可借复本:1 Educational Testing Service.
Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1983.
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西文图书5.Practicing to take the GRE engineering test : an official full-length edition of the GRE engineering H310.41/PTG-4
可借复本:1 Educational Testing Service.
Published by Educational Testing Service for the Graduate Record Examinations Board, c1983.
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