西文图书1.Insects and other arthropods of medical importance / R39/SKG
可借复本:2 edited by Kenneth G. V. Smith; with contributions by T. Clay[etal.]; with 12 plates (2 col.) and 217
British Museum (Natural History), 1973.
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中文图书2.A handbook for the identification of insects of medical importance / 616.968/SM27
可借复本:1 by John Smart ; with chapters on fleas, by Karl Jordan and on arachnids by R.J. Whittick.
Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1943.
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中文图书3.医学昆虫鉴别手册 387.7026/1772
可借复本:2 原著者 (英国) J.司马德
科学技术出版社 1957
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