西文图书1.I visit Yenan : eye witness account of the communist-led liberated areas in north-west China / I253/EI
可借复本:2 Isreal Epstein.
New Star Press, 2015.
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中文图书2.我访问延安:1944年的通讯和家书:eye witness account of the communist-led liberated areas in North-w... I253/436
可借复本:2 伊斯雷尔·爱泼斯坦著
新星出版社 2015
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西文图书3.I visit Yenan : eye witness account of the communist-led liberated areas in North-West China / K269.5/EI
可借复本:2 by Israel Epstein.
Foreign Languages Press, 2003.
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