西文图书1.Playback : from the Victrola to MP3, 100 years of music, machines, and money / J6/CM
可借复本:2 Mark Coleman.
Da Capo Press, c2003.
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西文图书2.Playback : from the Victrola to MP3, 100 years of music, machines, and money / J619.1-09/CM
可借复本:2 Mark Coleman.
Da Capo Press, 2005.
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中文图书3.声音的再现:从胜利牌留声机到MP3,音乐、设备和成就的百年发展:from the victrola to MP3, 100 years of mu TN912.2-49/2
可借复本:5 (美) 马克·科尔曼著
上海世界图书出版公司 2006
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