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分类: 医药、卫生

题名 责任者 出版信息 索书号 浏览次数
1 The American journal of pathology. Mallory, Frank Burr, American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists [etc.] R36/AJP 23820
2 少有人走的路.心智成熟的旅程 (美) M·斯科特·派克著 吉林文史出版社 2006 R749.055/21 1464
3 少有人走的路.心智成熟的旅程.第2版 (美) M·斯科特·派克著 吉林文史出版社 2007 R749.055/21(2) 1032
4 食品毒理学 严卫星, 丁晓雯主编 中国农业大学出版社 2009 R994.4/5 838
5 神经生物学:从神经元到脑 J. G. 尼克尔斯著 科学出版社 2003 R338/15 575
6 食物营养与配餐 范志红主编 中国农业大学出版社 2010 R151.3/125 521
7 Nature genetics. Nature America, c1992- R3/NG 479
8 食品营养成分表 (日)香川绫主编 中国轻工业出版社 1992 R151.3-64/2 473
9 食品卫生学 何计国, 甄润英主编 中国农业大学出版社 2003 R15/19 469
10 Proceedings of the regional consultation on the promotion of pulses in Asia for multiple health b... FAO Regional Office for Asia the Pacific. FAO Regional Office for Asia the Pacific, 2016. R151-53/PRC/(2015) 465
11 少有人走的路:《少有人走的路》续篇.II,与心灵对话 (美) M·斯科特·派克著 吉林文史出版社 2008 R749.055/21/V.2 439
12 少有人走的路.III,心灵地图 (美) 托马斯·摩尔著 吉林文史出版社 2009 R749.055/21/V.3 431
13 保健按摩 熊光明, 谢荣华, 包寿乾编著 中国农业大学出版社 2005 R244.1/29 430
14 The British journal of nutrition. Nutrition Society (Great Britain) Cambridge University Press ; [1947- R15/BJN 416
15 Virologica Sinica = 中国病毒学. Zhongguo ke xue yuan. Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, co-published with Springer-Verlag GmbHSpri 2007- Q93/VS 411
16 中国食物成分表.第一册.第2版 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所编著 北京大学医学出版社 2009 R151.3-64/4(2)/V.2009.1 406
17 British journal of pharmacology. British Pharmacological Society. Scientific & Medical Division, Macmillan Press, etc., 1968- R9/BJP=A 402
18 这书能让你永久戒烟:终极版 (英) 亚伦·卡尔著 北京联合出版公司 2018 R163.2/2 399
19 Annual review of biomedical engineering. Annual Reviews, c1999- R318/ARB 395
20 饮食与健康 李恩著 河北人民出版社 1981 R151/3 395
21 Fertility and sterility. American Fertility Society American Fertility Society [etc.], 1950- R71/FS 388
22 The journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists. American Association of Immunologists. Williams & Wilkins, c1950- R37/JI 384
23 Food and nutrition bulletin. United Nations University. United Nations University, [1978?- R15/FNB 379
24 图解免疫学 主编Thao Doan ... [等] 科学出版社 2011 R392-64/2 376
25 The Lancet the Lancet Ltd. 1823- 375
26 Roitt免疫学基础 (英) Ivan M. Roitt, Peter J. Delves 高等教育出版社 2005 R392/52 371
27 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.) Williams & Wilkins [etc.], [1904]-2000. R3/PSE 371
28 Biochemical Pharmacology Pergamon 1958- 370
29 Bulletin of Hygiene Bureau of Hygiene & Tropical Diseases the Eastern Press, Ltd. 1926-67 368
30 Immunology. British Society for Immunology. Blackwell Scientific Publications. R37/IY 365
31 British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapy. British Pharmacological Society Macmillan (Journals). 1946-1968 R9/BJP 361
32 Nutrition Reviews Nutrition Foundation 1942- 360
33 最好的告别:关于衰老与死亡,你必须知道的常识:medicine and what matters in the end (美) 阿图·葛文德著 浙江人民出版社 2015 R48/4 359
34 Bulletin of the Lloyd Library of Botany, Pharmacy and Materia Medica Lloyd Library and Museum The Lloyd Library and Museum 1900-1936 356
35 Nutrition abstracts and reviews Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau 1931-1976 353
36 免疫组织化学实验技术及应用 倪灿荣, 马大烈, 戴益民主编 化学工业出版社现代生物技术与医药科技出版中心 2006 R392.11-33/1 352
37 Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. Series B, Livestock Feeds and Feeding. CAB International, 1977- 352
38 遇见未知的自己,活出全新的自己,遇见心想事成的自己 张德芬著 上海锦绣文章出版社 2009 B821-49/386 351
39 动物毒理学 沈建忠主编 中国农业出版社 2002 R996.3/5 349
40 IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering / Bio-medical Engineering Group. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1964- R/IEE 348
41 Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd. 1958- 346
42 European journal of pharmacology. North-Holland, 1967- R9/EJP 342
43 营养与食品卫生学.第6版 主编孙长颢 人民卫生出版社 2007 R15/36(6) 341
44 The Journal of nutrition. Cowgill, George Raymond, Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1928- R15/JN 340
45 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Official Publication of the American Society,1960-;of the American society for Clinical Pharmacology C.V. Mosby Co. 1960- R9/CPT 339
46 Nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of fruits and vegetables / edited by Amit Jaiswal. Elsevier, c2020. R151.2/NCA/ED-11 339
47 European journal of immunology Wiley InterScience (Online service) VCH Verlagsgesellschaft GmbH, etc.], 1971-2019. R37/EJI 339
48 Virology & AIDS Abstracts. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, 1988- 337
49 营养与食品卫生学.第5版 主编吴坤 人民卫生出版社 2003 R15/23(5) 336
50 Der Anaesthesist Springer-Verlag, 335
51 死亡论战:"安乐死"的法律争辨 (美)雷切尔著 北京广播学院出版社 1992 R-05/6 334
52 Infection and immunity. American Society for Microbiology. American Society for Microbiology, 1970- R37/II 334
53 抗体技术实验指南 (美) E. 哈洛, D. 莱恩编著 科学出版社 2002 R392.2-62/1 328
54 酶联免疫分析技术及应用 焦奎, 张书圣主编 化学工业出版社化学与应用化学出版中心 2004 R446.6/4 328
55 The British Journal of Experimental Pathology Blackwell Scientific Publications 1920-89 327
56 Abdominal imaging Springer-Verlag New York, 326
57 只有医生知道! 张羽著 江苏人民出版社 2013 R715.3/2 326
58 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene Abt. 2 Naturwissen Gustav Fischer Verlag 1895-1944; 1952-77 326
59 免疫学概览 (美) L. 松佩拉克著 化学工业出版社现代生物技术与医药科技出版中心 2005 R392/51 326
60 免疫学基础 李春艳主编 科学出版社 2012 R392/85 324
61 Acta diabetologica Springer-Verlag, 323
62 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology. Annual Reviews Inc., 1976- R9/ARP=A 322
63 Proceedings. Series C, Biological and medical sciences / Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1951-1967. 320
64 Canadian journal of research. Section E, Medical sciences. National Research Council of Canada. National Research Council, 1944-[1950] R/CJR 320
65 Advances in therapy Health Communications Inc. 319
66 Anatomical science international Nihon Kaibō Gakkai. Blackwell Publishing Asia, 2002- 318
67 神经生物学:从神经元到脑 [意] John G. Nicholls ... [等] 著 科学出版社 2014 R338/15:2 317
68 Acta endoscopica Socíet́e ḿedicale internationale d'endoscopie et de Endoscopica. 313
69 AIDS and behavior Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 313
70 Abstracts of world medicine. British Medical Association. British Medical Association, 1947-1971. 312
71 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Cambridge University Press 1944- 312
72 Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases ScienceDirect (Online service) Pergamon Press, c1978- S85/CIM 312
73 Annual review of nutrition. Olson, Robert E., Annual Reviews Inc., c1981- R15/ARN 311
74 Canadian journal of medical sciences. National Research Council of Canada. National Research Council, 1951-1953. Q/CJM 310
75 Acta neurochirurgica European Association of Neurosurgical Societies Springer-Verlag 310
76 Advances in health sciences education Kluwer Academic Publishers, 309
77 免疫学概览 原著Lauren Sompayrac 北京大学医学出版社 2016 R392/51:2 309
78 Pathologia et Microbiologia Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Pathologie und Bakteriologie = Schweizerische Mikrobiologische Gesellschaft S. Karger 1960-75 309
79 Pharmacology & toxicology. Nordisk selskab for farmakologi. Nordic Pharmacological Society : c1987- R9/APT=A 308
80 Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Affiliated with the Canadian Physiological Society, the Pharmacological Society of Canada, the Canad the National Research Council of Canada 1964- 308
81 Clinical Chemistry Journal of the American Association for Clinical Chemists The Association 1955- 306
82 Pharmacological reviews. British Pharmacological Society. Williams and Wilkins Co. R9/PR 306
83 Translational research.The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine. Central Society for Clinical Research (U.S.). Elsevier,Inc. 2006- R4/JLC=A 304
84 Age American Aging Association. Springer, 303
85 免疫学 主编贾林涛, 陈丽华 第四军医大学出版社 2014 R392/90 302
86 生命伦理学 邱仁宗著 上海人民出版社 1987 B82-05/3 301
87 Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics. International Working Group on Preimplantation Genetics. Plenum Press, c1992- R394/JVF=A 301
88 生理学.第2版 主编姚泰 人民卫生出版社 2010 R33/60(2) 301
89 Acta neuropathologica World Federation of Neurology. Springer Verlag, 300
90 Clinica Chimica Acta International Journal of Clinical Chemistry Association of Clinical Biochemists ; Belgische Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie (Societe Belge de C Elsevier Biomedical Press 1956- 300
91 Review of Allergy and Applied Immunology Selected Abstracts of Allergology [s.n.] 1957-65 300
92 Aerobiologia Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Italy) Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 300
93 免疫生物学.第5版 (美) Charles A. Janeway等著 科学出版社 2008 R392.1/10(5) 300
94 抑郁症的非药物疗法 (美) 詹姆斯·S.戈登著 重庆大学出版社 2016 R749.405/9 299
95 中国食物成分表2004.第二册 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所编著 北京医科大学出版社 2005 R151.3-64/4/V.2004 298
96 Annual review of pharmacology. Cutting, Windsor C. Annual Reviews, inc., 1961-1975. R9/ARP 297
97 Toxicology and applied pharmacology. Society of Toxicology (U.S.) Academic Press R9/TAP 297
98 Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux 1990- R/RMV 297
99 Journal of immunological methods. North-Holland, 1971- R37/JIM 295
100 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine Sponsor: the Division of the Biological Sciences, The University of Chicago the University of Chicago Press 1957- 294